
Posts Tagged ‘home decorating’


Making a valence, to complete the nursery’s new look, Gideon insisted on sitting on my lap as I sewed.  His attention to detail amazed me.  As I sewed, he observed everything, and pointed out a pin I had forgotten to remove as I sewed. 

I love how he joins in every activity, whenever possible.  I love his interest, in all the things we do.  I love how he tries to copy what he sees us do, and how quickly he is picking up new words.  I think, knowing he is my last, has caused me to pay extra attention to every little thing, and to appreciate each stage as much as I did with my first.

Of course, he is  boy, and that means he is curious as to how everything works, or at least in taking everything apart.  He sat quietly for the first ten minutes or so, then he attempted to dismantle the machine and peel all the stickers off of it.  😉  He tried to stop the thread from turning and pry the bobbin case open; all while the machine was whirling!

I am teaching him the fine art of sitting still, but it is slow going.  The concept seems to escape his mind, unless he is eating, but then he is not really still–just occupied.

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These last few days have been filled with painting:  The kids all got painting supplies for Christmas, courtesy of Nana.  They opened all their gifts, looked everything over, then gathered the painting supplies and  began filling pages with anything that came to mind.  It is fun to see their creativity.

Even Gideon got some paint.  I kept it in the packaging as long as possible, not real excited to have my baby painting; but eventually, he got them out, and insisted on joining the party!  As you can see, he tasted as much as he painted, but was very happy to be doing what the others were.  I think the actual concept of painting escaped him, as he scribbled with both ends, equally.

I was also painting; however, I was not creating a masterpiece.  Caleb’s room was turned from green to blue.  He has asked about redecorating his room for two years now, so, for Christmas, I got the paint, and made it happen.  I thought he would be thrilled, but instead he asked, “Can you paint me a picture with frogs in it now?”  I guess creativity is next on my list.

The room really did need to be repainted, although blue was not my first choice–I really like the green that was in there, and with frogs…oh well.  He saw a nursery done in blue and white with navy frogs several years ago, and was mesmerized.

The walls had so many chips and dents, it took me the better part of one day to get it ready for painting.  I have to admit that it looks much better, and I think he will take better care of it, now that he really can make it look nice. 

As for blue frogs?  I don’t know that my imagination can wrap around painting them.  (Sewing some stuffed ones?  Yes.  Painting them? ???)  A blue pond, a blue sky, and green frogs (maybe even with yellow and purple shading, like we saw in one book)?  I can handle that. 

It turned out quite well, despite my hesitations, and I am inspired to do something more for the room.  I will be making some curtains soon; but the frogs, if ever, will have to come after that.

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the door


I am so excited to be working on this door!  It is something this home has been needing for the last three years…ever since someone broke in while we were on vacation, bending our current door.

My husband thought he could fix the problem, and secure our home, by adding more locks.  This did keep the next attempting burglar out, but our door was bent up more, and now leaks cold air unmercifully. 

Why our home has been targeted by burglars, I will probably never know.  None of our many neighbors have ever had a problem, that they are aware of; but we have been targeted repeatedly.  Maybe it is our fate… Every home we have had, in this area, has had uninvited ‘visitors’. 

One emptied the shells out of our shot-gun, while we were out shopping. (This was when we lived in a tent, and we knew we had a trouble maker, who left piles of broken sticks behind our tent, at night, on a regular basis.)  The next home, someone came in during the night, and turned off the heater.  They had to know a bit about the house, since the switch for the heater was hidden.  After this we began locking up at night.  The next place we lived was not that secure.  Depending on which way the wind was blowing, one door or the other had to be blocked shut, as it would blow open… Our intruder then, would stop by when ever I was out shopping, and leave lists of lumber or groceries on the table, near the phone…on our note pad.  Nothing was ever missing.

Finally we bought this house.  The first years we lived here, all was calm.  Then we went on vacation, only to come home to a bent door and a terrible smell.  We called the police.  They looked things over, and concluded that someone, involved in drug making, had broken in, and used our TV.  …okay, so we added locks.  The next year who ever did not get in. 

Then we noticed money missing…in excess of $200… Cash from the children’s banks, and from my stash…so we began locking up, even when we went on little walks… because, evidently, someone was coming in during the day.  On evening, when I was gone, but the rest of the family was home, someone came in, and quickly left again.  They where heard, but never seen. …However, back to the door!

I wanted a new door.  Something solid.  My husband wanted wood, because ‘they look best.’  For two years this conversation went on, me not caring, as long as we got one…him procrastinating.  Then, one day, when he was dropping remodeling left-overs off at Habitat for Humanity (work related), he found this door, and promptly brought it home. 

There it sat, in our basement, for two long months.  I offered to finish it, but he was going to hire a professional.  Finally, he found a friend with the skills, to hire.  And, the same day I began these socks, installing the door began. 

“Oh, and honey, the carpenter is just going to hang the door…can you varnish it?  Here is the stuff I bought.  We need it done as soon as possible.”

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No new projects, in the month of November! 

I plan to use this month to finish many of the projects I have already started.  Should I run out of projects, before the end of the month…I think I will take a job, outside of the home.  Something upper level management; after all, I will have proved myself more than qualified.

This is my list of unfinished projects (that I can think of…):

  • Afghan for Tyger
  • 3 wood carriers
  • Table runner for Mother-in-law (made at the children’s request)
  • Fisherman’s Sweater for Husband
  • Sweater for Daniel 12/2008
  • LBD for Me
  • Crazy Quilt for Caleb
  • 4 quilts, mostly pieced, but far from finished
  • Organize Pantry, including make storage sacks for grains, dried fruit and nuts
  • Turn storage room into a usable Crafting Room  [began de-cluttering.]
  • Paint Nursery  12/2008
  • Crib sheet for Gideon
  • Turn Fireplace Room into School Room: Paint, install flooring, trim, organize, sell extra books…
  • Mend bassinet
  • Learn to tan hides, so I have high quality leather…my husband just brought home a deer skin
  • Learn to Tat (I have been experimenting with this craft for years, but still have trouble making even flowers)
  • Write my knitting patterns in a usable fashion (to someone besides me)
  • Make patterns and products for my crafting business
  • Sand, finish, and install new front door  12/06/2008
  • Complete sign for front door [the lettering has been drawn on]
  • Thanks Giving recipe book
  • 7 10 scrap books, all one to thirty-some years behind…Grandma’s is closer to 80 years behind…
  • Suit Coat for Me
  • Wool socks for Husband [one done!  11/2/2008] 11/11/2008

Well, at least I have the Christmas sewing completed.

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